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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Exercise machines are not always the way to go

I think that most people when they start there fitness journey have the misconception that they need to get a gym membership and work out on special machines...........Not true

The problem with using gym machines is that they tend to put more strain on the body then if you were to do body resistance exercises. 
Example: Seated Leg Extension Machine

What it's supposed to do: Train the quadriceps.
What it actually does: It strengthens a motion your legs aren't actually designed to do, and can put undue strain on the ligaments and tendons surrounding the kneecaps.

What I have recently discovered during my search for better and more advanced workout exercises, is that the most popular ones that the celebrities and fitness trainers are doing, are ones with resistance bands, medicine balls, and motions such as squats and lunges that need no equipment. 

From my own experience, when I leave the gym after a long workout on the treadmill or leg machines my knees and feet usually hurt. However, after I do an at home workout where I do mostly mountain climbers, lunges, pushups and all body weight drills I dont get the aches and pains that I do after leaving the gym.

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