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Monday, November 14, 2011

Can't Wait

                    Recently, I was watching the sports channel and they were doing a feature story about a former Rutgers football player Eric LeGrand that got injured while playing and is now a paraplegic. Rather than sulk and become completely depressed by his horrible injury, he has turned his life around and is inspiring thousands of people to join his cause to help him walk again. This story inspired me because sometimes we hit a bump in the road and we feel like there is nothing we are physically able to do to change and improve ourselves. This boy has an extreme condition where the outcome is that he will never walk or do basic exercises ever again, but he is not settling for that outcome. He has started a fundraiser and gotten numerous professional coaches, players, and teams involved to help him get the rehabilitation to walk and be normal again. 

                     I think everyone should learn from his story that just because sometimes our body make you think you cant handle it or doctors tell you its not possible, as long as you have faith and believe in yourself, you can make it happen. Through that faith, you can convince others of your strength and make everyone a believer. It is easier to complete the impossible when you have people supporting you. So when you feel like you cant lost the weight or you have a physical disability that will keep you from getting in shape or doing what you want, throw those thoughts away and tell yourself you will take it one day at a time and push through. Just remember that there is always someone worst off then you.

If you would like to learn more about the foundation or buy a t shirt just visit Cant Wait .

It just goes to show you that if you put your mind and heart into something, you will be able to achieve it.

Keep Sweating It!


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