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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Run like a car on a highway

Have you ever felt like you cannot run as fast or as hard as your friend or other people you know? It could be because everyone has their own running personality I thought it was cute how there was short questions that were identifying each persons "running personality", at least that's what the blog How to Motivate Yourself to Run and Actually Enjoy It says.

 I found this blog very interesting because I never thought about different forms of running and why everyone runs at a different pace and pattern. I think it is encouraging to people who don't like to run because they feel as though they are too slow, because it describes people of that nature and gives solutions on how they can enjoy running by inviting a friend or getting a support crew. 

I know that I personally find it hard sometimes to get off my couch and go for a run so I thought that the cute mantras at the end of each section were very creative and helpful.

“Running around was fun back in my childhood. This minute, I’m running so I can have fun with it and keep myself young.”

By taking the pressure off the initial reason for running, people are able to relax more and really enjoy their workout. 

These motivational techniques will make it feel confident to get out and start a run. If you run according to your personality and not compared to everyone else, you will be more successful and happy.

Keep Sweating It!


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