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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Celebrities Taking the Heat for Having Some Meat

I feel sorry for celebrities because in the public's eyes they are never normal. They are either too skinny, overweight, have too much cellulite, or look old. I guess its the price you pay for being in the limelight but does the public and medias perception of celebrities cause them to alter their bodies?

If I saw my picture on the cover of a magazine with the title saying " she is expecting" or "dangerously skinny" I would be severely offended. I think that people need to be more conscious of what they write or say about others because some people that are not secure with their bodies can take it to heart. 

Some of the celebrities that I have seen in the news lately for being too skinny are: 

Angelina Jolie
 Kate Bosworth
 Lindsey Lohan

And celebs that have been in the news for being too heavy:
Brittney Spears
Jessica Simpson
Hillary Duff

Many people on this list, once were on the Too Skinny List some time before.....

I think it is not fair when they media puts up a picture of a celebrity in their bikini and says they are too fat but then after they lose some weight they put up a new picture and say that that person in drastically losing weight and could be too skinny. It is true that some of the celebrities feel the pressure to lose weight in order to get the advertising campaign or to look good in their awards ceremony dress but for the most part, the reason they are celebrities is because they are beautiful people in their craft. It is not often that the paparazzi follow the not so good looking celebs so before they were famous they were already skinny and beautiful it just that now everyone knows them.

Lets face the facts that no ones will ever have the perfect body because we all have our own interpretations of what the perfect body is. We need to identify within ourselves the way we would like our own body to look like and then take into consideration what is healthy for ourselves and what is not. As long as you are healthy, you do not need to be 100 pounds with no butt or boobs. It is also important to have people in your life that are supportive and accepting of the way you are and do not discourage you for not looking like a supermodel.

Your weight does not define who your are. If you have a beautiful personality on the inside, it will shine through to the outside. 

Keep sweating it!


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