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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Don't be scared your body will save you

I found a very interesting article in the Womens Health Magazine about what happens to our bodies when we get scared. I think it is facinating to see how much protection our body equipts us with when we feel threatened by something.  

In less than one-tenth of a second
Your eyes spot a snake (or your ears pick up on footsteps behind you in an alley) and shoot a signal to the amygdala, a bundle of brain cells that acts as the hard drive of human emotion. It instantly triggers the adrenal glands—and just like that, your adrenaline rush is on, lending you added strength and speed.

The amygdala then prompts the already-busy adrenal glands to churn out cortisol, a stress hormone. High levels of cortisol can impede insulin, causing a rise in blood sugar.

Within three seconds
Thanks to the adrenaline, you're breathing faster, your heart is racing, your appetite stalls , and you've started to sweat.
The cortisol has saturated your bloodstream and feeds back into the amygdala to boost the perception of danger. It also reinforces your memory of the initial fright, so you may feel a little jumpy for the next few days.

Within five seconds
The rest of your brain is now fully tuned in to the threat. Nerve cells start to release endorphins, morphinelike natural painkillers that can combat the effects of physical stress (just in case you get injured by the scary thing that's revved you up).

Your brain is also releasing dopamine, the neurotransmitter best known for ushering in a "feel good" sensation akin to what you'd get from some narcotics. Hence, that thrill-packed delight some people may feel while watching horror movies.

So when you are about to go into that halloween haunted house or are watching a scary movie at your friends house and start to get all these symptoms, now you know what you are experiencing and why. It is good to get scared every once in a while especially on halloween to excite your senses.

Keep Sweating it.


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