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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The "Heavy" about Fat

I commend everyone who has started the fall semester with a new diet plan. I know many people that have started all different diets and have already seen major weight loss. It takes a lot of determination to completely change your eating habits with the hopes of seeing immediate weight loss.The hard part about dieting is knowing what you should and should not cut out.  

Many people obtain false information about Fat and how and what kinds they should obtain.

The Main Misconception: All fats are unhealthy and you need to cut them out in order to lost weight. 

 False: There are good fats and bad fats and it is important to know the differences.  

GOOD FATS: Unsaturated fats help fight the very diseases that consuming excess fat was said to cause. Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, and both types are thought to have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats are often a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in cold-water fish, nuts, oils and seeds, and also in dark leafy greens, flaxseed oils and some vegetable oils. These improve your hair, nails, and skin. 


Saturated Fats: Bad fats are also known as saturated fats. These are known to clog arteries which are found in meat and dairy products. These fats are solid at room temperature. Saturated fats have been shown to directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. It is best to stay away from these at as much as possible. 


So the moral of the story is that even though is sounds backwards, we have to eat a certain portion of fat in order to stay healthy.  Staying healthy is the main goal so stay focused and keep up the good work.

 Keep sweating it!


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